6. Enriching activities

The HAF provision offered a wide range of activities including cooking and drumming workshops, animal welfare sessions, drama and theatrical production workshops, Lego building events, computer coding sessions, talent shows, nutritional education activities and various art and craft activities including sewing, tie dye, drawing, painting and mask making.

Trips were offered to various locations including the cinema, historic sites and theme parks.

Many of these activities are things that children would not normally be able to access and allowed the children and young people to extend their experience, try new things and make new friends.

smoothie bike

In this photo, children try out a “Smoothie Bike”, using the pedalling to power a blender.  Children learn about the nutritional values, benefits of fruit, taste things they might not have done before and get to exercise on the bike as an added bonus. 


In this photo, a boy and his sister had the opportunity to try archery at one of the sports-based settings. 


In this photo, children took the opportunity for some quiet art and craft time, supported by a member of staff.