On the day of the panel

Each workshop or review varies slightly in timing depending on the size of the site, location of the venue, presentation length etc.

However, all of our sessions include the following:

Site visit

Panel days start with a site visit. Applicants are asked to provide a route map and site plan for the panel to better understand the site as they walk around.

Discussions about the proposal should be kept to a minimum, as they will not be included in the report. It is asked that no more than three members of the design team attend to keep the site visit to time.

When the site visit is complete, the panel and applicant team will travel to the venue for the rest of the session.

Local authority perspective

Once at the venue and following introductions, the local authority is asked to provide the planning policy and context for the panel.

This is also an opportunity for the local authority to raise any concerns that they might have with the proposal.


Following the local authority perspective is the proposal presentation. The applicant team has 30 minutes to present.

There are different ways to approach presenting to the panel and it is not insisted that applicants use one method or another, but it is asked that applicant teams have rehearsed their presentation and that it is within the time allotted.

Possible presentation methods include;

  • paper plans and drawings
  • on-screen presentations
  • display boards
  • models

Q&A and points of clarification

This section of the session provides the panel with a chance to ask clarification questions only.

The panel appreciated that the presentation time is limited and that applicants will be focusing on the key aspects of the proposal.

Allowing the panel to ask clarification questions means that they have all the information they need to comment on the proposal during the discussion.

Feedback and discussion

After the Q&A and a short break, the panel provide their comments on the proposal. The format for this section can vary.

If the session is a workshop, this time may be used to have a more interactive, back and forth discussion between the panel and design team.

For reviews, this time is usually used by the panel only to provide their comments on the proposal.

The panel chair will usually outline how the discussion will run so all attendees know what to expect.