Design Review Process

The Design Review service is most effective when undertaken as early as possible prior to the submission of a planning application. Applicants of proposed development seeking pre-application advice from the Council will be contacted by the case officer and encouraged to book directly with the Bexley Design Review Panel.

The costs associated with presenting a scheme to the panel will need to be met by the project team. Service fees will depend on the length and format of review required and will be set out at the time of booking.

A report of the panel’s comments is made available to all attending the review for their consideration following the meeting. While the role of the panel is advisory, the panel’s comments carry weight when decisions are made on planning applications.

Developers can use the design review service more than once throughout the planning process to develop a scheme. At least one follow-up review may be required for major schemes.

1. Enquiry (at least 3 weeks in advance)

  • Applicant team contact DSE (independently or referred by LBB)
  • LBB confirm pre-app/app is in place and timeline is appropriate for the scheme
  • DSE send submission form to applicant team
  • Applicant team return design review submission form to DSE
  • DSE issue contract to applicant team
  • Applicant team return signed contract to DSE

2. Planning - at least 2 weeks in advance

  • DSE set up a pre-meeting with the applicant team
  • DSE confirm review date with LBB, applicant team & panel members
  • DSE select panel based on availability and expertise needed for the scheme
  • LBB confirm attendee list, including any elected members
  • Applicant team book venue close to site and organise any refreshments/catering
  • Applicant team provide attendee list incl. name, company, and email

3. Preparation - at least 1 week in advance

  • Applicant team send presentation material and site visit route map to DSE
  • LBB send briefing material incl. policy context to DSE
  • DSE set up a pre-meeting with case officer DSE issue agenda, attendance list, and calendar invite to all attendees
  • DSE send briefing/presentation material to the panel
  • Applicant team arrange payment of the DSE invoice prior to the review date

4. On the day

  • Applicant team print key drawings for on-site reference
  • Site visit with the panel, LBB, and 2-3 members of the applicant team
  • Site visit attendees travel to venue and additional attendees join
  • Design review meeting incl. policy context, scheme presentation, and discussion
  • Applicant team send updated presentation for DSE records

5. Following the review

  • DSE panel manager drafts panel report
  • DSE send draft report to all panel members and Chair for checking
  • DSE issue final report to all attendees within 10 working days of the review
  • Applicant team demonstrate response to feedback in follow-up review or DAS
  • The report becomes a material consideration for planning decisions