Panel Chairs and Members

Gillian Horn

Gillian is an architect, committed to the valuable contribution of research in design and in practice. For 15 years she was partner of Penoyre & Prasad, a design-led practice recognised with many design and sustainability awards. She completed a doctoral research thesis in 2019 on the schism between elite and popular taste, focused on volume-built houses.

Gillian is very active in Design Review and chairs numerous panels. She is a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor at the University of Reading and a ‘Wise Friend’ advisor to Urban Design London. She is also a regular external examiner and awards judge.

Gillian Horn

Rising up from the river, with a distinctive mix of industry workplace, housing and open space, Bexley has a unique range of spatial and environmental conditions. These bring particular pressures and opportunities for its land and development - from the redevelopment of old industrial sites in the north of the borough, to the densification of local centres and the perennial demand for house extensions. And all set within the constraints of financial, social and environmental viability."

I am excited about the potential of the new design review panel to help applicants and local authority officers alike to get the best out of these conditions and to create places and buildings for the people of Bexley, rooted in context."

Kyle Buchanan

Kyle is a founding director of Archio, a practice that designs community-focused affordable housing with Local Authorities, Housing Associations and Community Groups. Kyle was RIBA ‘South West project architect of the year’ 2018 and named one of the Architects’ Journal ‘40 under 40’ in 2020. He is a RIBA Conservation Registrant with experience working on Listed Buildings within heritage contexts. He is currently a member of the RIBA Expert Advisory Group for Housing, and the Housing Ombudsman’s Resident Panel.

Kyle's interest in communities extends beyond the practice and he volunteers on the
boards of community-led housing groups and local charities in London.

Kyle Buchanan

Like many London boroughs Bexley is facing a period of change as it makes space for new development alongside existing homes, businesses and communities. I am excited to be able to work with Design South East at this important moment in Bexley's history to co-Chair the Design Review Panel and support the borough's ambition for high quality design that works for local people."

In my role as a Director of Archio Architects I have been lucky to work on some of London's most innovative housing projects. I am pleased to be able to bring that expertise to Bexley to help regeneration here be as good as it can be."

Panel Members

  • Anthony Staples – architecture & community engagement
  • Ben Coleman – public realm & active travel
  • Chris Schulte – architecture & public realm
  • Dan Daley – community engagement & urban design
  • Dan Jones – architecture & sustainability
  • Deborah Nagan – landscape architecture & urban design
  • Fabrizio Matillana – architecture & regeneration
  • Fenella Griffin – landscape architecture & public realm
  • Ian Turkington – landscape architecture & public realm
  • Janie Price – heritage, regeneration, & architecture
  • Laura Baron – sustainability & heritage
  • Loreana Padron – sustainability & architecture
  • Nimi Attanayake – architecture & public realm
  • Paula Hirst – urban design & regeneration
  • Peter Neal – landscape architecture, ecology, & urban design
  • Rachel Toms – transport planning, active travel, & public realm
  • Robert Barker – architecture, flood management, & urban design
  • Vinesh Pomal – architecture & urban design
  • Yẹmí Aládérun – development delivery & architecture