Session formats and agenda

A typical session of the design panel review consists of the following.

Example of the format sessions
Type of serviceDurationPanel members Outputs 
Design review3-4 hours5 (Chair +4) In-person site visit & meeting
Report within 10 working days
Design workshop2-3 hours3 (Chair +2) In-person or online meeting, with or without site visit
Bulleted notes within 10 working days
Chair’s review/workshop (of scheme previously presented at design review)90 minutes2 (Chair +1) In person or online meeting
Report within 10 working days

Other formats are available on request, including full-day design reviews with an extended site visit.

Design Workshop vs Design Review


  • evaluate options for development, unlock blockages, or agree design principles
  • before or following a formal review
  • bulleted notes are a tool to support design development
  • the session is informal and more interactive


  • opinion and advice in response to preferred option for development
  • usually at pre-application stage
  • the report is a material consideration at submission
  • the session is formal and more panel-focused

Sample Agenda

Example of the panel Agenda
9.30amMeet at station or site5 minutesPanel, typically 2-3 local authority officers and up to 3 members of the applicant team 
9.35amIntroductions10 minutesSite visit attendees 
9.40amSite visit30 minutesSite visit to be led by the design team 
10.10amTravel to meeting room/venue10 minutesRemaining attendees join 
10.20amRefreshments10 minutesTo be provided by the applicant team 
10.30amAdditional introductions10 minutesPanel manager and Panel Chair 
10.40amLocal authority planning perspective10 minutesCase officer, supported by other attending officers 
10.50amPresentation30 minutesApplicant team 
11.20amQ&A and points of clarification20 minutesQuestions from panel to the applicant team and local authority 
11.40amComfort break10 minutesPanel may have ‘breakout’ meeting to discuss structure of discussion at this point 
11.50amDiscussion1 hourPanel 
12.50pmRoundtable10 minutesPanel, applicant team, and local authority 
1pmChair’s summary10 minutesPanel Chair 

* Timings and durations are approximate only and will vary per scheme.

2024 meeting dates

The panel meets bi-monthly to review development proposals. The panel dates for 2024 are as follows:

  • 14 August
  • 11 September
  • 16 October
  • 20 November
  • 18 December

Other dates can potentially be accommodated depending on panel and officer availability.