Submitting a scheme for review

1. Booking a workshop or review

Applicants should discuss Design Review with the Development Management department at

To book a session, Design South East can be contacted at or on 01634 401166 to book in a session.

When you make your enquiry, it is helpful if you provide Design South East with the scheme name, address and approximate size (square meters or numbers of units).

2. Planning

Applicants are asked to provide their full attendee list as early as possible to check for any conflicts of interest between the design team and the pane. The sooner any potential conflicts are known, the sooner a replacement panel member can be found to avoid delaying the session date.

3. Preparation

What to present to the panel

To gain the most useful feedback from the panel during the discussion and to ensure that the panel understands the scheme and the design development to date, please provide a concise 30-minute presentation (not a full Design and Access statement) that is visual, using diagrams, architectural drawings, visualisations, models, and 3D illustrations.

The presentation should address the key topics of local character, spatial quality, and public realm and include:

  • an overview of the brief, aims and objectives
  • information on the sustainability strategy/ targets, including embodied and operational carbon and biodiversity net gain
  • contextual analysis showing the site in relation to adjoining properties and its wider context beyond the red line boundary
  • aerial photographs of the site and its surroundings
  • Illustrations of the historical development of the urban form and settlement patterns, listed buildings, and conservation area boundaries.
  • the story of the design development, how the chosen design was arrived at, what options were rejected and why
  • site plans clearly showing land ownership, indicating specific areas that are to be built on, buildings for demolition, retention and/or refurbishment
  • landscape analysis and details of the landscape design approach
  • plans, sections, and elevations of proposed buildings, including street sections and/or sections through buildings which also show the wider topography
  • daylight/sunlight analysis diagrams of internal rooms and external courtyards
  • photomontages and visualisations demonstrating the development in its context
  • drawings communicating the architectural approach and materials